f you're like most people, your personal information is spread out. Monthly bills in one drawer, insurance information in the file cabinet, your will in a box under the bed, and passwords in your head. This journal is designed as a place for you to record and write down all your personal information in one place as a reference and resource guide for your loved ones after you pass.
Organize your personal and professional life's information into one convenient location and make it easier for your loved ones to put your affairs in order after you pass. There’s plenty of space for writing and details, and because life changes, lots of room to update information. Record information about:
- Personal Information about you and your family
- Property and Real Estate
- Home Information
- Storage and Security
- Passwords for websites and electronic devices
- Financial information including credit cards, bank accounts, retirement accounts, and insurance policies
- Loans and debt
- Monthly Bills
- Important Contact Information
- Where to find things such as important documents and computer files
Journals of this type are recommended by legal and financial planners for adults of all ages. This journal contains personal information so make sure to keep it in a safe location.